Monday, September 17, 2012


Burial of Werner Weber                                                                                September 15, 2012 


When we take attendance, count the roll, read through the invitation list, each time we prepare for a party or a picnic Werner Weber is present.  And he shall be present at the breaking of the bread.  And he shall be present in the picking of the raspberries.  And he shall be present in the baking of the cookies.  And he shall be present every time a very nice bottle wine is opened.    Not physically here of course, but PRESENT.  And today, standing on this beautiful hillside, in this sweet autumn light, with these people he loved,  Werner is present.  And I almost hear him say:  Unbelievable.   Unbelievable.

He never understood what the fuss was about.  He never understood why so many people were so nice to him.  He never understood why all the many times he was so seriously ill you came to his side.  He never quite understood that this is the way of the Cross, that in giving we receive, and only in giving.  He never quite understood that the love he received reflected the love that he gave. 

I don’t need to tell you about Werner.  He is present in you.  Listen to the songs, the quiet steady good advice he gave you with a twinkle.  Pay attention to the lessons in hospitality and care of the earth that he gave you.  Remember his struggle to live honorably in the face of difficult circumstances.  Remember the spirit of adventure, whether it was the travels he made, the hikes he loved, or the adventure of letting his life become lovingly entwined with the life of  Liz.  He would look at her in wonder and say Unbelievable.

I don’t need to tell you why we stand here in hope.  We are people of faith, as he was a man of deep abiding faith.   Our faith is expressed in the words we say today in this service.  I encourage you to take this home with you.  It is another gift from Werner.  Unbelievable.  More gifts.

The Lilies of the Field, and the Edelweiss, neither spin nor toil and yet they are arrayed in glory.  Fear not, God is Present.  Fear not, Love Abides.  All Love.  God’s Love and all the human love we manage to make while we are walking this earth.  It is our task to continue on;  to walk in love, passionately and serenely, steady as a mountain, grounded and ready for adventure.  It is up to us to welcome guests to the love feast.  We get to pick up the gifts that Werner gave us, and walk on until we join him at the Heavenly Banquet table.  Unbelievable.   And yes, we believe.    AMEN

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