Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jesus went up to the Mountain. Jesus, an authentic prophet, one who is deeply, deeply connected to God, right with God, one who speaks the authentic Good News of God, Jesus goes up the Mountain. Like Moses before him, Jesus heads uphill. But he is not going up there to escape the crowds pressing on him. He is not going to hide out. He is not going for a bit of quiet time, a little monastery time, a little time to rest in the joy of God’s presence. Yes he does need to be with God regularly, quietly, to be filled up and renewed, but this is NOT one of those times.
As Jesus goes up the mountain he is making space, making room for his disciples to follow him. He walks up the slope, turns around and sits. Would you like to walk with him today? Come on. Put on your hiking boots. Lets go.

Up on the mountain Jesus begins to teach them. And not just the four fishermen he called by name – not just Andrew and Peter, James and John. Whole crowds go with them. Can you imagine hundreds, thousands, millions sitting on the slopes behind us listening to Jesus? Look. There they are and they are eager to hear what Jesus has to say. They get very very quiet.

Blessed are the ones who depend totally on God, who know that everything they have comes from God. Like the birds of the air they count on God to give them their food and a place to sleep. They are so present to what is really going on around them that they are living in the kingdom of heaven right here, right now. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.
Blessed are those who lament that the Kingdom of God has not completely arrived. Blessed are the ones who notice evil, who name injustice, who are paying attention to fact that in this land of great prosperity children are hungry and cold. Blessed are the ones who notice that people sleep in the cold on below zero nights. Their laments are heard. God’s kingdom will come. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are the ones who give up violence as a way of holding on to all they possess. Blessed are the ones who know they will have all they need, and much of what they want, if they give more away to those who have nothing. Blessed are the stewards who share. They will enjoy all the fruits of this fragile earth our island home. They will inherit the whole, beautiful abundant Earth. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Blessed are they who do not give up working for justice, in every conflict, in every broken relationship, in every situation. Fairer taxation will happen. The Arc of the Universe bends toward justice. God’s justice will in the end be done. The hunger of those who long for righteousness will be satisfied. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are those who day by day practice mercy and loving kindness. Blessed are the ones who open doors, who help elders across the street, who give musicians a ride home after church. Blessed are the ones who get up before the sun rises to make scrambled eggs. Blessed are they who plow driveways and shovel walks without being noticed. Blessed are the ones who leave soup and flowers on a neighbor’s porch. Blessed are the ones who put their last $20 in the hands of someone whose fuel tank is empty. Mercy begets mercy, which begets mercy. And the God’s mercy shall indeed redeem the world. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are they who walk with integrity. Blessed are they who are totally and exclusively focused on God. Blessed are they who have their priorities straight who don’t worry about what the neighbors think or about saying or doing the things in order to advance careers or gain re-election. Their sight is clear, and they will see God’s hand at work all around them. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are the peacemakers, the reconcilers, the hope bearers. Blessed are these angels who see the possibly of reuniting families broken apart by rage, anger and deep wounds. Blessed are they who teach us to confess our failures, who show us how to ask each others forgiveness, who model letting go. These angels shall be called children of God. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail.

Blessed are you when people reject and exclude you because you follow the way of Jesus. Your power has been noticed. Your willingness to tip over the tables of business as usual has been noticed. You are not given to the world only for the sake of your own salvation. You are called to be an agent of God for the salvation of others. Rejoice. You are doing the work you are given to do. Keep on Way with gladness and singleness of heart. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail

Dear Blessed Church of God. When we are the community God needs us these marks are burned into us – integrity and meekness, mercy and steadfast work for justice. When we are the community God needs us to be we are gift bearers, hope bearers, agents of God for the salvation of others. God’s Shalom is now and God’s Shalom shall prevail. Let it Be.

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